2010年4月23日 星期五

What is Chinese Feng Shui Kitchen?

Here are some general Feng Shui rules for the kitchen:

  1. Kitchens should be clean, tidy and ventilated – If not, people easily get sick.
  2. The floor of a kitchen must be in the same level of the other rooms – If not, it affect income and health.
  3. The door of a kitchen should not face the door of toilet or next to it – If not, people easily get sick.
  4. The door of a kitchen should not face the front door of a house – If not, people will lose money easily and affect income.
  5. The oven should not face the tap (water faucet) directly – If not, people easily get sick , especially in stomach and intestines.
  6. No mirror should reflect the image of the oven in any case – If not, the host in the house would have a chance to have two families (which means have an affair with third party).

Read more: http://gomestic.com/home-improvement/chinese-feng-shui-5-kitchen/#ixzz0lwQLpbdm

