2010年4月23日 星期五

The Life-line of Palms

Palmistry: Life-line of palms shows very important info to us. Let's check it now!

According to Palmistry, the life-line can indicate the condition of a person's body. Therefore, the life-line is a very important message to us if you care about your health.

Look at the pictures below, the life-line is drawn in red.

1. The length of the life-line doesn't really relate to the length of our life. The longer the life-line the healthier the person is. If the life-line is short, it only indicates the person is more easier to get sick.

2. The bigger the area covered within the life-line, the more energetic the person is. If the area covered within the life-line is small, the person easily gets tired and have not enough energy.

3. The start of the life-line likes a chain, it indicates the person is physically weak and thin in his/her childhood.

4. The end of the life-line likes hanging threads, it indicates the person easily gets sick when he/she is old.

5. A block/a hole on the life-line indicates that the person might suffer a surgery or a long period of hospitalization. It all depends on how large the block/the hole is.

Thank you for reading my article and I hope you enjoy these pieces of information.

