How good is your skill in social?
And do you care enough to your lover?
This is a test which shows your skill in social and whether you a understanding lover.
Look at the picture:
Two red matches are placed as in the picture. Place the black one as one of the answers. Which one you like the most?
A. You are always careful but think too negative. You don’t mind to sacrifice yourself to do jobs that you don’t like; sometimes you even suffer losses for that reason. You would never refuse to do anything for your lover.
B. You love to control, you can be a monopolist. Therefore, sometime you are so stubborn that other would be scared to deal with you. You dissatisfy with your lover if your lover don’t follow your instruction.
C. You are so curious on everything and have a finger in the pie. You think you are good in social skill, but in fact you easily dispute with others because you want too much on victory. Although you have a sense of justice, it is your weakness that you show it overly to others.
D. You will do what you want. You don’t intervene with others and don’t want to be intervened as well. You always isolate yourself from others, and don’t want to mix in with them.
D. You care about your social skills. But you are too shy when you met a new friend; you watch your step too carefully. You choose your friend according to your feeling, if your first impression of someone is not good, you unlikely make friend with he/she.