Sun Signs:
Aries Mar 21 — April 19
Taurus April 20 — May 20
Gemini May 21 — June 21
Cancer June 22 — July 22
Leo July 23 — Aug 22
Virgo Aug 23 — Sep 22
Libra Sep 23 — Oct 23
Scorpio Oct 24 — Nov 21
Sagittarius Nov 22 — Dec 21
Capricorn Dec 22 — Jan 19
Aquarius Jan 20 — Feb 19
Pisces Feb 20 — March 20
It is a horoscopes to show when you are parents, how will you react when your kid is bullied. Or you know how your parents react?
Aquarius, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
If you are a mother, you like to disguise your worries by appearing normal. Indeed you are worried about your kid so much, you always want to be calm and don't show your worries on your face.
You observe your kid with much attention, but you won't tell it to them. You accompany with your kid but you don't talk too much. It means that your kid might not know you care for him/her, you always show unconcerned.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
You talk with your kid like a friend of him/her, but you may sarcastically comment his/her. As you think you was once a child with a rebellious temper, and you know that very well, therefore you know how to talk with them, but you will not miss the chance to make sarcastic comments on his/her, in order to help them to be more independent and to be stronger.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
You must fling yourself into the breach and help your kid. You are so mad that someone would hurt or bully your kid which is so unfair and you would let this happen! You are never blind to this!