2012年7月24日 星期二

Chinese Zodiac - Year of the Snake

Chinese Zodiac - Year of the Snake



Persons can check their year of born as below, and if you were born within these date ranges then you were born in the "Year of the Snake"

  • 4 February 1905 – 24 January 1906: Wood Snake
  • 23 January 1917 – 10 February 1918: Fire Snake
  • 10 February 1929 – 29 January 1930: Earth Snake
  • 27 January 1941 – 14 February 1942: Metal Snake
  • 14 February 1953 – 2 February 1954: Water Snake
  • 2 February 1965 – 20 January 1966: Wood Snake
  • 18 February 1977 – 6 February 1978: Fire Snake
  • 6 February 1989 – 26 January 1990: Earth Snake
  • 23 January 2001 – 11 February 2002: Metal Snake
  • 10 February 2013 – 30 January 2014: Water Snake
  • 29 January 2025 – 16 February 2026: Wood Snake
  • 15 February 2037 – 3 February 2038: Fire Snake


Snake (zodiac)

General characteristics:

Snake people often enjoy new ideas, innovative thoughts and progress, but some will reject advice from anyone but to themselves, although, most snake people are loyal friends and make great company.

It is said that people of year of the Snake would not get along well with people of year of the Boar(Pig).
The Snake is strongly related with deep mysticism, valuable wisdom, and knowledge. Most snake people are enigmatic, deep thinking, and maybe the wisest of all Chinese Horoscope signs. A Snake person can evolve to become a philosopher, investigator, scientist, actor, spiritual leader, analyst, doctor, magician, or leader of the back scene. Most snake people enjoy learning, reading, and eating good food.They are also very concerned about their outer appearance. Their best attribute is their excellent ability to communicate with others and successfully engage in interesting conversations. For the Chinese people, the snake symbolizes intelligence, happiness and auspiciousness.

Chinese Zodiac - Year of the Dragon

Chinese Zodiac - Year of the Dragon


Persons can check their year of born as below, and if you were born within these date ranges then you were born in the "Year of the Dragon"

  • 16 February 1904 – 3 February 1905: Wood Dragon
  • 3 February 1916 – 22 January 1917: Fire Dragon
  • 23 January 1928 – 9 February 1929: Earth Dragon
  • 8 February 27 January 1952 – 13 February 1953: Water Dragon
  • 13 February 1964 – 1 February 1965: Wood Dragon
  • 31 January 1976 – 17 February 1977: Fire Dragon
  • 17 February 1988 – 5 February 1989: Earth Dragon
  • 5 February 2000 – 22 January 2001: Metal Dragon
  • 22 January 2012 – 9 February 2013: Water Dragon
  • 10 February 2024 – 28 January 2025: Wood Dragon


Dragon (zodiac)

General characteristics:
Dragons are mythical powerful creatures celebrated by Chinese culture. Dragons symbolize strength, health, harmony, and intellectuality. Many consider Dragon people extremely lucky and blessed.

Dragons symbolize such character traits as dominance and ambition. Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. They are driven, unafraid of challenges, and willing to take risks. They are passionate in all they do and they do things in grand fashion. Unfortunately, this passion and enthusiasm can leave Dragons feeling exhausted and interestingly, unfulfilled. In Eastern philosophy, the Dragon is said to be a deliverer of good fortune and a master of authority. Therefore, those people born in the year of the Dragon have a sense honor, respect, audacity, and compassion.

Dragon people are also well known for their honesty and sense of duty. These characteristics can sometime work against them because others will tend to take advantage of them. Most Dragon people are compassionate, patient, and ambitious people, thus they make trustworthy friends and great companions.

Persons generally think childern born in the year of Dragon are the best, and it is said that people of year of Dragon would not get along well with people of year of Dog.

2012年4月1日 星期日

Horoscopes: What are Your Weaknesses

Let's check what is your weakness:

Aries - Too aggressive and has to be number one in every aspect

Taurus - Respects money and material possessions, like money too much

Gemini - Love gossip and spread it out. Talk too much. Can't keep secrets

Cancer - Easily to be tempted, love to take advantage in every aspect of every event

Leo - Bossy, attention seeking and vanity

Virgin - "Clean/Neat Freak", not easy to get along well with others

Libra - Hesitate to make any decision or take side, forget to take care of your own needs

Scorpio - Don't trust and respect others easily

Sagittarius - Can't understand others' feelings and thoughts

Capricorn - Spend life and strive to have fame, fortune, and success

Aquarius - Curious in nature and take interest in every thing around them. Curiosity killed the cat

Pisces - Live in dreams, unrealistic and moody

Horoscopes - Get rid of bad habits

Here are a list of most important things that each horoscopes should remind themselves to gain popularity among friends:

Aries - Bad temper, try your best to control your temple well

Taurus - Learn to spend more money, be generous

- Feel different kind of musics, appreciate different cultures

Cancer - Be considerate, always show your love and caring mother

Lion - Learn to be cool, don't show off

Virgo - Just smile and speak less

Libra - Don't hesitate to make any decision

Scorpio - Have enough rest and be energetic

Sagittarius - Don't be too serious, relax and smile to your friends

Capricorn - Don't try to cover anything, be frank to everyone

Aquarius - Loss weight, have a healthy life style, be confident

Pisces - Learn to sing, express your true feeling, speak for yourself out loud